Angular Directive Unit Test Template for WebStorm

If you’ve seen any of my Angular code, you will notice that I use a LOT of element directives (Angular 2 calls these “components”!). You’ll also notice that I like writing a lot of unit tests.

After my previous post on WebStorm templates, I came to the realization that I was writing a lot of boiler plate code for testing these directives. Instead of rewriting these tests every time, I’ve created a template to use for unit testing directives.

(One thing to note, this requires at least angular mocks 1.3.15 for the bindings options in the $controller constructor)

'use strict';
describe('My Great Directive', function() {
var $rootScope;
var $controller;
var $window;
var $httpBackend;
var $compile;
var scope;
var MyFancyService
var MyGreatDirectiveController;
beforeEach(function() {
inject(function(_$rootScope_, _$httpBackend_, _$compile_, _$controller_, _$window_, _MyFancyService_) {
// Native Angular Injections
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$controller = _$controller_;
$window = _$window_;
$compile = _$compile_;
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
scope = $rootScope.$new();
// Custom Injections
MyFancyService = _MyFancyService_;
// Locals are the injections to the directive's controller
var locals = {
$window: $window,
MyFancyService: MyFancyService
// Bindings are the objects that are bound to the directive's scope
var bindings = {
fancyString: 'fancy-string'
MyGreatDirectiveController = $controller(
describe('Directive Controller', function() {
it('should be a proper contoller', function() {
describe('Compiled Directive', function() {
var responseText;
beforeEach(function() {
responseText = 'My Great Directive!';
it('should compile', function() {
var element = $compile('<my-great-directive></my-great-directive>')(scope);