Angular Base Seed Project with Gulp

I started working on another “fun” project last week. I should rephrase that. I “attempted” to start a project last week. That very first step, I got stuck. Why is starting so hard? I created a new project using yeoman, but the build process uses grunt and it is more complex than I wanted. I also tried Angular Seed, but it didn’t fit what I was looking for either.

Of course, I had just written my Angular Blackjack project from scratch, so I did what all developers do, I made my own base project!

Introducing: Angular-Base

I’ve modified the build system a bit since the Angular Blackjack project, but not a lot. Feel free to use it to get your projects started. Keep in mind, I haven’t actually built a real project with the base yet, but I’ve started using it. I’m sure there will be changes to the base project. If you see any issues or want some features, I’m definitely open to PRs.

Angular Project Blackjack: 12 – Github Pages Deploy

(This post is part of my “from scratch” AngularJS project. If you are feeling lost, the first post is here.)


I’m not going to lie, I thought this was going to be a GREAT post! So much information about how to deploy our site to github pages and make it available for the world. The good news is, we did all the hard work in our previous post. The bad news is, this will probably be the shortest post and commit in this series.

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Angular Project Blackjack: 7 – File Concatenation with Gulp

(This post is part of my “from scratch” AngularJS project. If you are feeling lost, the first post is here.)

We’ve created quite a lot of files in just our application so far. Unfortunately, for every one of those files, it means we need to add an include to our index.html file and increase the request count for visitors just to load the app. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just package all of our code into one file and just load that file in the application? That’s exactly what we’ll set out to do here.

There are a TON of applications that will get us the end result we are looking for: browserify, require, webpack, etc. Although, in my opinion, the simplest and easiest to understand is gulp-concat. At its very basic form, gulp-concat literally merges the files you give it into one output file. To get it going, we’ll need to have gulp installed, and get to gulp installed, we really should know what it is doing first!

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